Sorry for the absence! I've been sleeping a LOT these past few weeks, I hope I will get back to normal soon.
I was thinking that I would start making Christmas-cards (well, I have made a few, but I need lots more), but I didn't get them time after all. So I'll just show a rubberstamped deco that I made a while ago. This one is also pretty simple, but I like it!
Please leave a comment when you visit, it's so nice to see who you are, that visit! I can tell by the map that I do have a few visitors other than those that usually leaves comments... :o)
Very nice deco!
It´s really fun with rubberstamping =)
This deco is really beautiful! :)
By the way, I must admit I'm one of those who use to visit but never leave any comments...
Du har gjort om din blogg. Den blev urläcker! Det är Decosen också hur enkel den än må vara :-)
Kram Nilla
PS Länken du har lagt till min blogg visar samma inlägg hela tiden fast jag skrivit mycket mer... Ironiskt nog har den fastnat på inlägget "Inget kul i dag heller..." ;-)
I love how you've made this deco, hopefully when you feel better you'll post your cards too as I'd love to see what you've created. I really wanted to make Christmas cards this year and bought a few supplies but then changed my mind but maybe I'll just make them as the year goes on for next Christmas who knows :).
BTW I received my bank statement and the inks I bought are even cheaper then what ebay told me they were (they worked out to be £27) so if your interested in knowing who the seller is to get yourself some let me know as she puts a lot of them on from time to time.
I also love the idea of your map to see who visits you and I think I will pinch the idea for my blog too as its quite fun :).
I hope you feel better soon
Hoho, är här och kikar! :)
Vad fint du gör.:-)
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