Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oh yes! I have a car!

decFirst of all: I have a car now! I even got it delivered by Monday night, very nice! It's a small red Ford Fiesta, from 1996. Not fancy at all - it hasn't got Central locking, electric window elevators, AC or anything - but then again - there aren't as many things to break down either! I am very happy with my little car!

The deco above is a "Laurel & Hardy" deco and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. The "mat" I used for the picture is much, much more sparkly IRL, it gives it a nice touch!


Busy little Bee said...

Hi Annie. Congratulations on your car!! That is good news.:o)
Love your deco. I used to watch the two on the telly when I was a kid. I laughed so hard.:o)

KnittingArchivist said...

Congrats Annie! :) Your new car sounds like just which I'd love to have too! Little&red and not too much "extra" stuff.
And the Laurel&Hardy deco is just awesome! :) said...

Kul att återigen hitta in till dina läckra alster!
Ha en underbar helg!

Carina said...

Tack för din hälsning hos mig.Här fanns det många lite annourlunda kort såsom Helan&Halvan samt det Afrika ispirerande kortet.


Sussi said...

Wow...Helan och halvan var ju bara för coolt!!