Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cute Disney deco

This is a PaP Disney deco. PaP = Pick a Page, that is, on every page I will write something from Disney, like Donald Duck, Heffalump, Winnie the Pooh etc. And then those who sign my deco can choose one of the pages and decorate from that theme. I just love PaP decos! I made this one for my own group, LovelyDecos, and it will be sent to France...

So, my craftstuff are unpacked, finally! I have a new craft-room (feels soooo great!). It still needs a couple more shelves and some finishing touches, but other than that it's fine.

I still have no TV though. I'm still waiting for the digital box to show up. I've been TV-less for 3 weeks now, and I must admit that I have some withdrawal symptoms. I miss my weekly dose of Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and House... hopefully this will be fixed by the weekend!


Annelie said...

Superfin deco vännen!
Kram Annelie

Anonymous said...

Great Deco Annie:)