Sunday, December 14, 2008


These days I mostly make Christmas-cards, but yesterday we went to my niece's christening, and of course I had to make her a card as well! This is what I came up with, and I must say I am pretty satisfied with how it turned out! I didn't want to make the ordinary pink, girlie card, so I made this green, red and gold one.

Other than that, I must confess that I am a little tired now. LOTS to do at home before Christmas and I am also work-training. It's pretty stressful, but I try to keep it out and just take it as easy as possible. One step at the time, trying not to get too stressed...


Jolanda said...

The card looks great!!
Bye, Jolanda

Anonymous said...

Å vilket fint kort! så roligt att du inte har gjort ett "typiskt" kort i rosa och "gulli-gull" :) Sååå fint!
Och tack för din kommentar hos mig! Blir alltid så himla glad!
Kram Annelie

Eva said...

Jättefint dopkort!

Carina said...

Tack för titten och hälsningen hos mig.Alltid kul med lite nya bloggvänner.
Så ljuvligt kort du gjort är vansinnigt förälskad i vintagestil och framförallt barnbilder.

Ha,det gott!