Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vintage Christmas and Inkido blog-candy

I'm sorry for the bad quality of the pic above. My scanner gave up on me just now - hopefully it can be fixed, but now I had to take a photo of the decosquare I wanted to show you, and the light-conditions aren't that great at the moment. Well, you get the idea anyway! It is a Vintage Christmas decosquare I made for a friend in one of my groups. It's a pretty simple design, but I didn't want any fuss to take away attention from the picture, which I think is beautiful.
By the way, one of my favourite companies here in Sweden - "Inkido" is having a blogcandy-giveaway on their blog! Go and see if you can win also!


Anonymous said...

Vilket härligt vintrigt utseende på din blogg!
Oh, jag var ju också på mässan en stund, dock inte på maran...

Diane said...

Very pretty Annie!!