Friday, December 28, 2007


This is one of my two cats! His name is Felix and he really, really enjoys Christmas!! Here he "helped" us to put ribbons on all the Christmas-gifts. He also likes to chew on the needles and play woth all the Christmas ornaments... *sigh* but he's very cute!

For Christmas I received a new laptop from Mats!! Not bad, eh? My old one was in a bad shape and everyday I thought it would quit on me because it made a little noise every now and then, when it got warm. Well, now Mats has put ALMOST everything from the old computer to my new one - except for the pics I had, among them the scans I have of my decos and cards, heforgot about them... So today I cannot show you any work! Sorry about that!

Friday, December 14, 2007


First of all: thanks for all who have left a comment! It's really nice to see who's visiting! Please continue to leave your mark!

OK, I have made some Christmas-cards. They are VERY simple, but then again - I think they turn out better that way when I make them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rubberstamped deco

Sorry for the absence! I've been sleeping a LOT these past few weeks, I hope I will get back to normal soon.

I was thinking that I would start making Christmas-cards (well, I have made a few, but I need lots more), but I didn't get them time after all. So I'll just show a rubberstamped deco that I made a while ago. This one is also pretty simple, but I like it!

Please leave a comment when you visit, it's so nice to see who you are, that visit! I can tell by the map that I do have a few visitors other than those that usually leaves comments... :o)

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Even though it doesn't feel like I'm doing much, there don't seem to be enough time! It's like I'm running and running and can't get it all done in time. Yesterday I had a minor panic attack because of this, so I guess I just need to relax and let things be late... But I'll try to get all the swaps out in time!

This is a Vintage X-mas deco that I made for LovelyDecos. I'm quite happy with it although it's pretty simple. I've discovered that my work often is better when it's simple, or they just look overworked. You know what I mean?

Monday, October 29, 2007


Last Friday (26 October) I went to Stockholm together with my darling Mats. He had his birthday the day before, so we went to Stockholm to get away adn celebrate a little bit. Well, I wanted to go to a craft shop too - "Skapa Hobby", but Mats just HATES being in these kind of shops, so he went to a museum meanwhile I went to the shop, and then we met up after a couple of hours. We were both happy with that arrangement.

Well, in that shop I bought an eyelet-setter and a eyelet-puncher as well. But as I had no idea how to use them, the owner of the shop showed me. ;o) And the result of my new tools and knowledge you can see on this deco I made yesterday! I think it turned out really cute! I'm so happy with my new tools! Just need to buy more eyelets now! LOL!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Birthday card

Today Gustav and I will congratulate one of his friends (Christian) on his 12th birthday. They used to be our neighbors before we moved, and I'm friends with his mom as well, so it will be nice. I made this card for him. Gustav chose the stamp-image and I went from there. The present we have bought for him is a big chocolate-bar that he loves. I hope he will be pleased!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cute Disney deco

This is a PaP Disney deco. PaP = Pick a Page, that is, on every page I will write something from Disney, like Donald Duck, Heffalump, Winnie the Pooh etc. And then those who sign my deco can choose one of the pages and decorate from that theme. I just love PaP decos! I made this one for my own group, LovelyDecos, and it will be sent to France...

So, my craftstuff are unpacked, finally! I have a new craft-room (feels soooo great!). It still needs a couple more shelves and some finishing touches, but other than that it's fine.

I still have no TV though. I'm still waiting for the digital box to show up. I've been TV-less for 3 weeks now, and I must admit that I have some withdrawal symptoms. I miss my weekly dose of Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and House... hopefully this will be fixed by the weekend!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

I'm going nuts here- no craftstuff and no TV yet... I hope to get that done this weekend! Meanwhile, I found this fun quiz from another blog. Not so bad, actually!

Edit: now I know the picture of this daffodil won't show here... Pity! But the quiz is still fun to do!

I am daffodil!

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It's been a while since I last blogged... As I said last time, I have moved to a house. (Mette; yes, it's in Kungsör) All weekend we were busy with moving everything, and I was soooo tired! Now everything is completely chaotic here. Everything is in boxes, and so is my craft-stuff. I'm going nuts! Hopefully I will have at least the craft-stuff unpacked soon!
This above is an "Apple"-deco that I made for my own yahoo-group, LovelyDecos...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Sarah Kay deco! Isn't it cute?

These days I'm packing, packing, packing! In only a week we will get the keys to our house! I just can't wait, but it would be nice if I could just go to bed and close my eyes tonight, and when i wake up tomorrow it will be in the new house with everything all done concerning the move!

Friday, September 7, 2007

An "Autumn"-deco that I made for my own group, LovelyDecos. I kind of like this deserted jetty... A little different from all the yellow-leaf-decos!

Today my printer ran out of ink, and apparently it won't scan either. I've ordered more in over the internet, but was told that I probably will have to wait up to 2 weeks to get it! How will I survive???

And have I started packing yet? Well, a liiittle! A couple of big boxes are ready and a few smaller ones. The main problem, I've discovered is, where in the world will I put all the boxes???

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Today I made this "Paris"-deco for a Swedish deco-group. It has a autumn-feel to it, don't you think? As opposed to the last one I posted!

Today it's only 3 weeks left until we get the keys to our new house! And I haven't even started packing yet! Iiiiiih! I'd better get down to that today!!

We have also talked about getting a kitten, as companion to Sixten. I can tell that he feels lonely, and that would be a great idea... But we won't get it until we have moved, of course!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Still alive...

Yes, I'm still alive! I'm sorry for the absence. I've decided to concentrate on the decos for a while - making cards and scrapbook-LO:s became too much and it began to feel like a duty, not something I did for fun. So now there'll be mostly deco-entries and once in a while a card or an LO.

This is a deco I made for a Swedish deco-group. I love the colours and I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Broken computer...

Hi all!

It's been a while since I last blogged... The thing is, that my computer broke. I still haven't got it fixed and the scanner isn't connected to this one I have here, so I can't show you any cards, decos or scrapbook-pages - yet! I'm hoping to get this fixed soon, though!

I've also been tagged by 2 dear friends - Chruss and Mette! Thanks so much for that, I'm honoured! I will get back to you all about this as soon as possible!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tired Gustav-LO!

My second Lay-Out ever! I really need to get an alphabet so I can make headlines! I have ordered a Quick Cutz, it's supposed to arrive next week... I can't wait!

However, this is a funny picture. Gustav felt so tired one evening that his eyes hurt. I suggested that we should wet a couple of water-sooaked cotton-pieces on the eyes, and he thought that felt soo good! And he looked really funny, so I had to take a picture...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sick men...

Today Gustav was supposed to go to a birthday-party for his friend Max. So we made this card yesterday. Gustv chose the stamp (a cat, what else? He's just crazy about cats!) and the embellishments on the side (cats too...) and the design-paper. The photo is a little blurry because those 2 yellow cats are not flat. The card turned out pretty cute, I think!

Well, this morning Gustav woke up having quite a fever - almost 39 degrees Celsius, so no party for him today. He still haven't eaten anything today, although it's after noon... I'm a little worried that it might be tonsillitis, but I want to wait a little longer before we call the doctor. Since it's weekend we have to go to the big hospital (our small doctor's office is closed on weekends), and that's 50 kilometers away, and you also often have to wait there for hours and hours...

I promised to buy him ice-cream and that he could have the birthday-present that we bought for his firend yesterday, to make up for it all...

Also, Mats is ill back at his place - also with fever, but I don't think he has tonsillitis. So, what is it with my men, bot ill?!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Tomorrow we are invited to a party to my friend Annica who has taken her exam as kindergarten-teacher. I made her this card - she likes blue, so I think it will suit her! We have also bought her a necklace.

I have no idea where the paper is from - it's in this pad and the cover is gone... But the stamp is a Bella, of course!

Friday, June 1, 2007

I made this card today. I might send it as a RAK, but haven't made up my mind yet. The cat is from Hero Arts, the designer paper I don't really know because I got it as a gift, and the sentiment is from Magnolias, saying "From my heart to yours".

I've been kind of absent lately, because I've got this rash - the doctor says it's an allergic reaction. I don't know where it came from, but it itches like you-know-what over the whole body. I hope it will be gone soon - it's sooo annoying! I'm a little better now, but I've got this almost a week now!

Friday, May 25, 2007

I'm RAKed!!

Today I received this beautiful card in the mail! It's a RAK via the RAK-group on SplitCoasterStampers! It really made my day, thanks so much to Jodene Muri in Canada!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mermaid deco

Sorry for being absent! My card-making has been sadly neglected lately - instead I have focused on decos, since I have a deadline for them and need to get them out - preferably this week. This is one of them - a mermaid-deco.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I'm really, really happy with this card! I made it for my little brother's confirmation - he will soon be 15 years old, so I couldn't make anything too cute... This one is just perfect, I think! A little cute but mostly funny!

The stamp is from and the paper is from Magenta.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Today is Gustav's birthday!!! He's 8 years old now - I can't believe how big he is! He's with his dad this week, but I will go over there and congratulate him tonight. I will also bring lots and lots of candy for his party tomorrow...

The card above I made for him - he's totally CRAZY about cats, that's why I chose this motive! ;o) In afterthought I should have used some black paper behind the grey, to make it pop out a little more, but... This will have to do!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Today i made this card, it's got a bit of a summer feel to it, don't you think? And... have you noticed I like pink? LOL! This time I tried to mix it up with some blue as well, and I am pretty happy with the result!
The patterned paper is PaperSalon and the stamp is from Lotta R Design. And of course Prima Flowers - I just LOVE them!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I've made my very first scap- layout!! I was so inspired by the other girls at the scrap-marathon last Saturday. This lay-out is about my cat Sixten, who just LOVES to play with this toy we got for him at Christmas. The photos are blurred because he didn't sit still. The text says "Mischevious Sixten"...

Monday, May 7, 2007

I made this card tonight. I will either make it a RAK or a Mothers Day-card. I haven't made up my mind yet..!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Here's a card I made on a scrap-marathon I attended this weekend. It was soooo great to meet people who actually shared this interest!

The sentiment says "A girl!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ballet deco

In addition to making cards, I also like to make decos. This one I made tonight, and I kind of like the black and white together with a touch of pink to give it color and life. What do you think?

Monday, April 23, 2007

RAK-card received!

Today I received this wonderful card in the snail-mail! It's a BRAK (am I right to assume this means Birthday Random Act of Kindness?) and it came from Lynn Black in Canada. She found out in SCS that my birthday was in the beginning of April! It's a total surprise, since we don't know each other at all, but it made me really, really happy!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wow, this has been a busy week - at least in comparison to what I'm used to, LOL! Some of you might know that I'm on sick-leave due to a burn-out depression (3 years now) and I've got doctor's order that I NEED to take it easy and get plenty of rest. Well, this week I have rested, but I have also had a lot of appointments, so I haven't had much time for card-making or deco-ing. But this evening I made this card! I don't know yet who will end up getting it...

Monday, April 16, 2007

This is a birthday-card I made tonight... Although it's way too late, I couldn't bring myself to go to bed until I had played with at least ONE of my new Bellas that arrived at Friday. This is PrezziBella, isn't she pretty?! And this is actually one of the first cards I'm actually very happy with!

By the way, the sentiment looks a little smeared right over the "a". It's not the card itself, it's the scanner...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Scrapped cook-book

Tonight I've started making a scrapped cook-book for my mom. it will consist of healthy, vegatarian recipes, and I called it "healthy boosters" (in Swedish, of course). This to the left is the cover. I'm pretty happy with it. I've also made one page with a recipe so far, and I'm happy with that one too! Yihaaa!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Wow, i've been really busy this last week! I haven't had time to stamp or decoing - let alone to write letters, LOL! Easter has come and gone and now I'm rehearsing with a man that plays the piano, because I will sing at a funeral tomorrow. I've been asked to sing "Like A Bridge Over Troubled Water" (Swedish lyrics though), and a Swedish song - "Så skimrande var aldrig havet". Those of you who are Swedish know which one I refer to!
A friend of mine just had a baby-girl. She's from England, so I couldn't use my Swedish sentiments and I didn't have anything "baby-ish" in English, so this one I wrote by hand...
The picture is not that good - the scanner got the colors a little wrong. The grey behind the baby carriage is actually a piece of sparkling silver-paper, so it looks better IRL!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


I made this card a minute ago and will try to get it in the mail to my MIL today. I hope she will like it... Of course, the bow will probably get a little crooked in the mail, but I'll tell her to "fluff it up"...
I also need to get a new black ink-pad, because the one I have is getting a little dry...

Friday, March 30, 2007


I just finished this card - and I'm actually happy with it! It's this week's sketch challenge on SplitCoastStampers, and it's the first challenge I've joined. I will go and post it there now!
Oh, the sentiment says "Thinking of you" once again. I might send it to Mats!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New watercolor-pencils!

Tonight I made this card. I bought a pack of watercolour-pencils and of course I had to play with them. I am very happy with them, but I'm not equally happy with the card. There is something missing, or maybe there's too much..? I don't know. Anyway, the sentiment means "Thinking of you...".

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Second card

I am soooo new to rubberstamping and cardmaking - this is only my second card...

This is a congratulation-card, not that I know what I will do with it yet, but I think it will come in handy one day or the other.

I also want to make a couple of baby-cards, because I have 3 (!) friends who are expecting babies the next coming weeks... I have ordered some rubberstamps for those cards, so I'm waiting anxiously for them!

Monday, March 26, 2007

First post

Hey, just checking in... I'll work on this blog a little later...